Hundreds of New Species Found .. Everything From Borneo .. It turned out that Indonesia's right Rich ..

A lung-less frog, frogs and snails with bullets flying that shoot arrows of love are among 123 new species discovered in Borneo since 2007 in a project to preserve one of the oldest tropical rainforest in the world.

The global conservation group World Wildlife Fund (WWF) called for the protection of endangered species and the equatorial rain forest in Borneo, South China Sea island, the world's third largest and is shared by Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. "The challenge is to ensure that valuable landscape intact for future generations," said a WWF report released today.
Searching for a new species is part of the Heart of Borneo project that began in February 2007 and supported by WWF and the three countries that have islands. The aim is to preserve the 85 000 square miles of rain forest which is described by Charles Darwin as "one big luxury greenhouse that is made by nature for herself '. Crawler has visited Borneo for centuries, but it is too broad and interior yet to be explored biologically, the word Adam Tomasek, head of WWF's Heart of Borneo project. He said: "If this bed of irreplaceable rain forest can be preserved for our children, promising more discoveries must be a tempting one for the next generation of researchers to ponder." 'This discovery scientists, including a stick insect known as the world's longest 56.7cm, colored snake flame and frogs and discoloration of skin and eyes. In total, 67 plants, 29 invertebrates, 17 fish, five frogs, snakes and three lizards and two new species of birds found, the report said. 
Borneo has long been known as a hub for monster insects, including giant cockroaches about 10cm long. Famous among the species found are:

* A snake that has a bright orange color, almost like a fire, and coloring of the neck which gradually fuse into amazing colorful and bright blue, green and brown patterns. When it flares threatened her neck, revealing a bright orange color
* Frog that breathes through its skin as it has no lungs, which makes it look flat. The aerodynamic shape allows the frog to move quickly in a fast flowing river. Although the species was discovered in 1978, only now that scientists have not found a frog lung
* A high-altitude snails found on Mount Kinabalu which has three times the length of the tail head. They shot the calcium carbonate 'arrows of love' when going out to inject the hormone into pairs. While resting, the long tail of a snail wraps around his body. 

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